Aug 31, 2021
Leaders often fail when it comes to making the right decision. Why do so many leaders struggle to make better, smarter and more sustainable decisions for themselves and their organisation's future? Niels Brabandt discusses an always relevant topic.
Your host: Niels Brabandt /
Aug 30, 2021
Rhys Davis Hamilton became the UK's youngest expert on cigars. At a young age, he now is the General Manager of a major brand on the market. An industry that undergoes significant changes. In this interview with Niels Brabandt, he shares his approach to leadership, success and the business world.
Your guest: Rhys Davis...
Aug 24, 2021
Hybrid jobs do not focus on the location of work. Finding the right people for the right job is challenging for many organisations. A recent study showed insights about what most companies do wrong. Niels Brabandt discusses better approaches to and offers solutions.
Your host: Niels Brabandt /
Aug 23, 2021
Living and working in the United States of America. A dream for many which Lesley Everett accomplished. How can others do so as well? In this interview with Niels Brabandt, she shares her experiences and gives advice for anyone who is interested to follow their dream to immigrate to the United States of America.
Aug 17, 2021
Optimisation is a goal that every organisation has. However, most companies talk much but implement little to nothing. Even large-scale change projects often fail to deliver on their promises. How can your organisation do better? Niels Brabandt discusses this important topic of organisational development.
Your host:...